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The content on this platform is generated by our users with the help of our AI (StructureBot), and fine tuned manually by our community members. If you are interested in becoming part of our community, make sure to join our Discord and follow us on X / Twitter for the latest updates.

How it works


Structurepedia is a hybrid between a search engine and an encyclopedia where topics are visually represented as easy-to-navigate diagrams that the user can learn from and interact with, all within a single integrated and dynamic AI powered environment.


Just like on any other Wiki you can search for topics and go to their dedicated page.

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On the dedicated pages you have two parts.
    Diagram (on the left or full screen on desktop / on top on mobile): a diagram representing the conceptual structure of the topic. You can navigate your way around the topic by clicking on the nodes of the diagram. The current selected node will be highlighted in blue. Also, you can switch between two chart modes with the toggle button at the top right.
    Resource (on the right on desktop / on the bottom on mobile ): when you have clicked on a node the corresponding third party resource will appear on this side. The types of resources present for each node varies case by case.
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Daniele A. Roncaglioni header pic
Creator of Structurepedia

Thank you for checking out Structurepedia, I hope you are finding it interesting.

I graduated from ETH with an MSc in Physics and a CAS in Machine Intelligence.
Outside of Academia I am a full-stack Engineer with more than 8 years of experience, where I have served as CTO of a coding and data science academy for many years.
To build Structurepedia I combined a passion for building concrete things with a philosophical vein, which always had me wondering what it actually means "to understand something".

My thoughts and experiences lead me to the following answer. Fundamentally our mind represents topics we know well in a tree-like structure.  Most of the work when learning something new, goes into parsing books, articles, videos etc... into an intelligible hierarchy of relationships. Knowledge is stored in the relation between pieces of information rather than in the pieces themselves, especially when you can just google individual bits of information in 5ms.
Structurepedia has this insight at its core, and aims to fill a clear gap that exists out there!